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Friday, September 29, 2006

This is Jia Han's version, the more exxagerated one!:

The story below is made up of fictitious characters. We apologise to anyone who bear the same names or similarities in personalities or appearance. This applies fot the earlier fiction. Please go watch tv dramas for the real version of this message. Thanks.

Charging into the room, we locked ourselves into two cubicles. We panted and rested as I recalled what had happened. We managed to lose him as he took a cup of hot tea. we zigzaged our way though the mess and ran out of the place. Then, we decided to hide in this place. it was lit up by two bulbs, and smelt of waste materials. Foul odour clouded our nose as we waited quietly for any noise. I knocked on the other cubicle, "You think he is gone?"

Gay giggles filled the room. It was none other than JOSEPH! (Haha who did you think it was?)

Dang! He was there all along! "You didn't realise he was there?" Jia Han asked.

"Yeah," I said. "I'm deaf, man." Jia Han rolled his eyes as we listened quietly.

Jia Han croutched in his cubicle, as fear clawed at his heart like a claw. Suddenly, he saw Joseph throwing his unfinished tea into the cubicle. He could vaguely see the water vapour as it rose into the air. The tea made a graceful arch over the cubicle door. TWO drops of tea entered the cubicle as the rest spilled outside. "Splat, splat" went the two drops of tea. Jia Han felt like =_='''. Joseph then took his time to urinate outside, and the odour of the room became more evident. The gay giggles intensified as we heard the sound of tap water gushing out from the tap. I crawled up to the top of the cubicle to take a better look. Sure enough, the Joseph was washing his filthy hands. I could see no more as I crouched and waited.

Suddenly, a familiar styrofoam cup rolled into view, but it was full of holes. So holy!, I thought. "He rolled it to me so I had to get rid of it..." Jia Han said. A piece of stick rolled into my cubicle and I shouted in anger, "Na-*peep*!" The gay giggles went even higher as a piece of laminated paper flew into my cubicle. "Please wash your hands after using the toilet", it wrote. Dotz. Stupid lamer. I kicked all three things out and climbed back up the cubicle. I saw the back of the Joseph and JiaHan spoke to me as I peered over to see the short form of him x). "When I give the signal, three knocks, we charge out, k?" I saw water splashing into JiaHan's cubicle. Acid! Jia Han shouted (rather sarcastically), "Wow! I'm damn scared! Help!"

I heard 3 bangs on my wall and I charged out in full force. Joseph was taken by surprise and he took his hand off the holes on the cup and all the water leaked out and SPLASH!... We charged out as Joseph hastened to refill, and chased after us, covering the holes on his cup. As he charged out of the toilet, water slowly leaked out from his cup and made a trail of water. We could hear the louding stomping and the earth was shaking beneath our feet, ready to crumble any moment. He realised that all the water was gone, and hesistated to go back and refill. In the end, he decided to refill and followed the trail of water he made to go back to the tolet as he FORGOTTEN where the toilet was.

We ran and hid in the abundant vegetation in NYPS and Joseph walked ignorantly past us, holding his cup of water beside him, covering the holes. We could see the plants withering as he walked by, and he went past us. The rest of the time passed uneventfully as we tried to find a way out of the forest in the school and to avoid Joseph as well. As we went back to the field, Joseph was sitting there waiting for us. He held our bags hostage as he stared at us, angrily. We escaped his clutches in the end as we took our bags and whack him on the head until he faint, then we summoned all of our strength and kicked him, and we let gravity to do the rest of the job as he bounced out of view, into the starry night sky, finding Artemis.

Hi. Above is Jia Han's version as you can see it's a bit different than mine. Even though most people don't bother to read these posts but if you come to this blog, please tag me. Thanks and have a nice day (or night). And I lost my thumbdrive!!! Wahlao... everyone help me pray to find it. And, if the above story insults anyone, I sincerely apologize. Lol.


written on @ 9/29/2006 09:50:00 pm

Monday, September 25, 2006
I'm confused. You are hurting the both of us. Ignorance isn't bliss. So tell me what happened, willya?

Take my photo off the wall
If it just won't sing for you
Cause all that's left has gone away
And there's nothing there for you to prove
Oh, look what you've done
You've made a fool of everyone
Oh well, it seems like such fun
Until you lose what you had won
Ooh, ooh
Give me back my point of view
Cause I just can't think for you
I can hardly hear you say
What should I do, well you choose
Oh, look what you've done
You've made a fool of everyone
Oh well, it seems like such fun
Until you lose what you had won
Oh, look what you've done
You've made a fool of everyone
A fool of everyone
A fool of everyone
Take my photo of the wall
If it just won't sing for you
Cause all that's left has gone away
And there's nothing there for you to do
Oh, look what you've done
You've made a fool of everyone
Oh well, it seems like such fun
Until you lose what you had won
Oh, look what you've done
You've made a fool of everyone
A fool of everyone
A fool of everyone

written on @ 9/25/2006 06:29:00 pm

Saturday, September 23, 2006
Charging into the room, we locked ourselves into two cubicles. We panted and rested as I recalled what had happened. We managed to lose him as he took a cup of hot tea. we zigzaged our way though the mess and ran out of the place. Then, we decided to hide in this place. it was lit up by two bulbs, and smelt of waste materials. Foul odour clouded our nose as we waited quietly for any noise. I knocked on the other cubicle, "What are we gonna do?"

"Wait..." came the reply.

Suddenly, the door flung opened and we gasped. Malicious laughter filled the room.

It was none other than JOSEPH! (Haha who did you think it was?)

The laughter turned into gay giggles as we heard the sound of water dripping.

Dang, he was urinating outside, taking his time as the odour of the room became more evident. Jia Han shouted, his voice filled with fear , "We know it's you Joseph!" I mutter under my breath, "NBCCB..." The gay giggles intensified as we heard the sound of tap water gushing out from the tap. I crawled up to the top of the cubicle to take a better look. Sure enough, the Joseph was washing his filthy hands. I could see no more as I crouched and waited.

Suddenly, a familiar styrofoam cup rolled into view. "He rolled it to me so I had to get rid of it..." Jia Han said. A piece of stick rolled into my cubicle and I shouted in anger, "Na-*peep*!" The gay giggles went even higher as a piece of laminated paper flew into my cubicle. "Please wash your hands after using the toilet", it wrote. Dotz. Stupid lamer. I kicked all three things out and climbed back up the cubicle. I saw the back of the Joseph and JiaHan spoke to me as I peered over to see the short form of him x). "On the count of three, we charge out, k?" I nodded thoughtfully and prepared to charge when I saw water splashing into JiaHan's cubicle. "Haha, I'll drown you two here!" roared Joseph gaily and maliciously. It sent a shiver down my spine due to the high pitch-ness. I climbed back up and JiaHan said, "Just chiong lah!"

I went back down and here 3 bangs on my wall and I charged out in full force. Joseph was taken by surprise (surprise, sure, surprise special price - MrBrown) and spillled the water he was refilling, and it made a big wet spot on hs already oily shirt... JiaHan charged out as well but was nearly beaten to by Joseph had not Joseph decided to refill the water to add his oil and drown us as the oil spill on us and we fall and Joseph's fats descend and drown us into non-existence. He tried to splash the water, but the super quick reaction of JiaHan kicked in and dodged the water (also partially due to the fact that he was small xD) We could hear the louding stomping and the earth was shaking beneath our feet, ready to crumble any moment.

We ran and hid in the abundant vegetation in NYPS and Joseph walked ignorantly past us. We froze in fear and held our breath as the sinking odour slowly dispersed into teh air made up of 71% nitrogen, etcetc...

Anyway to keep the long story short we survived the wrath of the Joseph and he never changed state into oils.

Hi. Yesterday had a sleepless night thinking of someone x). Not saying who... Haha. And don't bother guessing. Yesterday was the expupils' day, and all expupils let's slaughter Kah How for making such a bad expupils' day. Haha. Jus kidding, we have to thank him actually. One boy did everything SIAH.Ok whatever, I'm going ding dong. Yesterday I was slacking in class until 4pm before going, and was doing parkour over the tables. Can do wall run! Yay! Just 3 steps lah. Lolx. Need a damn high grip shoe to do it.
The event was a bit messy, but still fun lah.

written on @ 9/23/2006 04:59:00 pm

Tuesday, September 19, 2006
And if you hear my blog song... it sounds ehhem... nvm don't spoil the fun. Just listen to the lyrics xD But I think it's a nice song as a whole.

written on @ 9/19/2006 08:17:00 pm

Hi. I'm damn sian lor, nothing to do... It's just revision, revision and more revision. Well, at least I can play games, but in the afternoon only. So this is the only thing I can do. Yesterday rushed my IRS, and finished in time. It was a Lit Review on the bombings of Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Boring topic? Yea, wadeva, I don't care, really. Just do up my IRS and get at least a C or B ok already. As long as I can get MSG of >1.50 I happy liao =).

Today didn't realise I had malay oral exam. So I went there 1hour late xD. But I still could take the exam(phew!).At first I took Jap and Malay but Jap was too boring and I personally admit that it was hard (cuz I don't bother to revise and learn=P), so I quit. Mag takes Malay too, but she didn't say she likes it, unlike me... Malay is fun, but the oral piece was on Arsenal (about its match against Man Utd...), so I will use that as an excuse if I don't score well. LOL. Jus kiddin' lah. I couldn't understand a few questions my teacher asked me so I was like, "Huh?", and he said, "Tak faham?", and I nodded my head and he looked at me like WTF. So yea, I think I screwed up the test, but I'm not blaming Arsenal as they are not worth it xD. At least Man Utd is still second in the League table even though they lost to Arsenal 1-0.

And Greg is angry at Nicki for linking to his new blog as he did not want other people to know about his new blog. Haha. He says he's gonna delete the blog... Sad right?

And all those from NYPS this Friday is Expupils' Day so go back to NYPS. Thanks. I'll be there till 9 cuz it's LanternFestival as well. And go spam Greg's blog. Haha. Evil... On Friday go NYPS and see Greg and Jane under the moonlight =). Haha Greg isn't even going...

written on @ 9/19/2006 07:59:00 pm

Thursday, September 14, 2006

im posting la. in school IT some more. haha(: see i POSTED here before my own blog kaye. heehee(: haha okay la have work to do le so BYBEBYE(: whee<3


written on @ 9/14/2006 07:52:00 am

Monday, September 11, 2006
Hi, it's me. Yupps, YH no doubt, the earlier one was an imposter! xD. Jus kiddin. Well, I allowed nicki to post on this blog as I don't post often. Yea, and please don't think too much into it. I just came back from Batam, which wasn't a very nice place btw. High prices, lots of smoke, polluted sea, closed down facilities. Yup, I think you get the point. To start with, the first thing I noticed when I came to Batam was a No smoking sign, and below was a policeman smoking. Talk about setting an example. We went to two temples, and after having lunch we went shopping. Then, we went to a hotel where the adults got a massage while we sit in this comfortable room watching HBO. I watched 13 going on to 30 or a show similar to that, starring Jennifer Garner, I think. I was quite a humorous show with some distraction from my cousins jumping around the armchairs. After that, we went to the hotel and my excited cousins were jumping and running about to look at the facilities. We saw a cybercafe and my cousins were so excited! There was SUPPOSED to be a theme pool that was damn big but I think they replaced it. There was also a fairway to play golf but we didn't go there. The sea was also very polltued and oily and I experienced that the next day when I was swimming in the sea and canoeing. Actually, it was a lagoon.


We went to the seafood restaurant at the seaside, expecting a nice dinner. But when we got there, the waiters were like, "We are serving a tourist group, please come back two hours later." and we felt like WTF. We shuffled back to our hotel and went to the restaurant in there. The food were like $10 per set and my parents and uncle and aunt were all effed up by the extravagant prices but they still ordered. Try new stuff, they say. While we waited My cousins dragged me to go ask about the price of the internet cafe as well as a place we saw but didn't find, a Play Station. (Not that stupid console.)

The Play Station was under renovation, and the price per hour for the cyber was $5, and subsequently $2 hours each. We got even more effed up when we heard that. That's daylight (I mean nighttime) robbery! At least the canoeing price were cheap, $4 per hour (or my parents got cheated in Langkawi, there was $7 for half hour)

I watched Everton vs Liverpool at night, which was one of the nicest match I'd ever watched, other than the Champions League Final 2004, Liverpool vs AC Milan. The last goal was very comical and Reina should go pursue an acting carrer when he retires from football. We wanted to wait for WWE but we dozed off before 11pm. The next day was our revenge as we gobbled up as much food as we could take during our free breakfast. Yes, I know I am cheap. Everyone's cheap to a certain extent. Kiasu-ness is very Singaporean.

Ok enuff about Batam. Today the first thing taht happened to me was being punished by the S.o.a.B (I'm sorry but it really pisses me off) PE teacher for talking during assembly. It's like I only ask one question, "Is Peter gonna receive the AMPOS award, and he called me down. Other people were talking non-stop throughout the whole assembly and he donch even care. So I have the honour of the first person punished by the PE teacher this term. I've finally done my art homework, a sketch of the clock tower. It isn't anything great, but I took 4 hours, so it was good effort, I think. Today was quite a bad day for me as I got 2 B3s, 1 A2 and 1 A1 for the tests and assignments given out. Hope I get exempted from at least two exams!

I know you don't care about reading posts and only bother to tag... Yupps, but I still write for fun. Damn those book reviews... I love ACE!!!


written on @ 9/11/2006 05:11:00 pm

Saturday, September 09, 2006
heyya people(:

okaye so yes this is so not yh. haha can tell who it is right? yupps. anyway ya im posting here so hi people. and yinhong too. oh and ya i do have access to posting on his blog by the wayy but he didnt give me his username and password for fear that i would change his blogskin to a horrendously pink one. geez like i would do that (so innocent - awwww<3) anyway yah so i shall post when i feel this blog is too miserably dry. like now. haha(: and ya hes in batam today just in case people were wondering where he went and i shall pester him to blog more like ME so that haha his blog will be alive-r. like MINE. and yes i was the one who pestered him to change his skin. and I LIKE ORANGE(: gahh anyway...TOODLES(:


written on @ 9/09/2006 11:06:00 pm

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