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Sunday, April 16, 2006
Argh... I'm starting to feel bored. Maybe this is considered a rebirth of my blog. Because I did not post for, like, maybe a week or two. I play Championship Manager 03/04 now and then, and it's a decent game to play for all football fans. Non-football fans too, I think. I shall not go into much detail as I would not want to be seen as promoting this game. I bought all those unknown players and nurture them into pros. Lol. No cheats in this game. I think I received many views about the Dumbledore isn't dead thing, but I still feel that he is not dead... Somehow, I have found it hard to believe that Dumbledore would so easily leave the battle with Voldemort. Dumbledore has spent many years researching Voldemort's background and looking for ways to finish him. Why would he bow out so easily, before he could see his work brought to closure? Completed by Harry, yes, but brought to closure. Here's some more proof I've uncovered:
1. Harry is talking to Hagrid after the poisoning of Ron, and Hagrid lets it slip that he overheard something he shouldn't have:
I was comin' outta the forest the other evenin' an' I overheard 'em talking -- well, arguin'. ... I jus' heard Snape sayin' Dumbledore took too much fer granted an' maybe he -- Snape -- didn' wan' ter do it anymore ... Dumbledore told him flat out he'd agreed ter do it an' that was all there was to it." (Prince pg 380)
This shows me, or us, that Dumbledore and Snape were up to something. Something bad or so unpleasant that Snape did not want to do it.
2. This sounds quite lame, but if you believe that Snape is acting on Dumbledore's orders to 'kill' him, then Snape's hatred and Dumbledore's final words take on a whole new meaning.
...somebody else had spoken Snape's name, quite softly. "Severus..." The sound frightened Harry beyond anything he had experienced all evening. For the first time, Dumbledore was pleading. Snape said nothing, but walked forward and pushed Malfoy roughly out of the way. ... Snape gazed for a moment at Dumbledore, and there was revulsion and hatred etched in the harsh lines of his face. "Severus... Please..." (Prince pg 556)
In that passage the reader is supposed to believe that Snape hates Dumbledore. But to help us see the light, Rowling used almost the exact same words for what Harry was feeling just one chapter earlier:
"You...you can't stop, Professor," said Harry. "You've got to keep drinking, remember? You told me you had to keep drinking. Here..." Hating himself, repulsed by what he was doing, Harry forced the goblet back toward Dumbledore's mouth ... (Prince pg 534)
Even though Snape was to kill Dumbledore on Dumbledore's orders, it must have been emotionally hard, exactly as it was for Harry to make Dumbledore drink the potion.
The feeling of revulsion on Snape's face was not for Dumbledore, but the act he committed. The hatred was not for Dumbledore, but for what Dumbledore was making him do.
And when Dumbledore said, "Severus... Please..." he wasn't begging "please don't", what he was really saying was, "Severus, please do what I told you to do, as you promised you would."
Way back at the end of the first book, when Dumbledore confirms for Harry that Flamel would die now that the philosopher's stone was gone, Dumbledore explained:
"To one as young as you, I'm sure it seems incredible, but to Nicolas and Perenelle, it really is like going to bed after a very, very long day. After all, to the well-organised mind, death is but the next great adventure." (PS pg 215)
Does that sound to you like someone who would beg to save his own life?

Speaking about books, my English teacher recently started a project called Project Bookworm. He said we were not reading much and spending too much time on the computer (I tend to agree), thus he wants the 3 classes that he is teaching to read more by starting this project. We are supposed to read one hour a day, and find one new word each hour. Thus I started to read...

So, this is a rescue to save this blog, to save it from becoming an unknown, a dying blog that has can't do anything. So please (not please don't) call that hotline at 1900-112-3838. Lame.
Harharhar... Anyways, this are some extras:
- Daniel Radcliffe was born on 23 July 1989, coincedentally, his birthday falls on the same month as Harry Potter(31 July 1980)!
- Rupert Grint was born on 24 August 1988, while Ronald Weasley was born on 1 March 1980
- In the Half Blood Prince, Slughorn accidentally called Ron "Rupert", it looks like Rowling was purposely using Rupert to make fun of the actor counterpart
- Hermoine Granger was born on 19 September 1979, while Emma Watson was born on 15 April 1990
- Ironically, Hermoine is the oldest of the trio while Watson is the youngest

written on @ 4/16/2006 09:28:00 pm

Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Hi. Greg is too focused on work, so I cannot blame him. Jia Han really has nothing to do, so you cannot blame him either. Yu See is a good boy, except he occasionally does not notice the class getting loud. . I agree that I am still mischeivous, but relative to Term 1, I've improved. But there's still room for improvement. I, and a few others, are born troublemakers and are mischeivous. It is a trait. It is something you're born with.
At least nearly everyone is happy.
I need to reiterate that our class is a bunch of misfits. The naughty ones are real naughty, while the quiet ones are too quiet. Just as many teachers say, there are many people in our class that have strong personality. Lolx. Everyone has their strong points. Focus on that *Smile* Be happy =)
oh yeah, and remember, "Laugh and the world will laugh with you, cry and you will cry alone".=)

So cliche.
Argh, I forgotten.
Quotes gotten from http://www.klydriger21.blogspot.com/.
This post is edited like 80% of the text. It's like the Japanese textbook
Flaming is wrong.
I love this quote: "There are many things that we know that we know, and there are many things that we know that we don't know; there are also many things that we don't know that we know, similarly, there are many things that we don't know that we don't know. There are many known knowns, there are many known unknowns; There are also many unknown knowns, and many unknown unknowns."
This rocks.

written on @ 4/04/2006 05:56:00 pm

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