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Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Oh gosh, FAIL is back again. I got 15 1/2 for my Geography upon 30. Thus, I conclude that my Geography is lousy and I will need to buy more assessment books. Also, I got back my comprehension and found out that I got 17 upon 28, which is a nearly failed piece of work. I did not exactly failed my Geography as the good news(which is not such a good news) is that the teacher marked one of my answers wrongly and I will get 1 more mark. ONE. At least I did not fail. Also, I beat Greg! YES! Greg is the class pro and the smart guy of the class and I won him by 1 1/2 marks! Yay!

The other good news is, I had a B3 or A2 for my Malay. Yes! I though I had failed. I underestimated my ability. Hahaha... Even so, I will not be overconfident and I will strive to reach greater heights! So my MSG for this term is about 2.00, which is good, I think.

Anyway, tomorrow is my End of Term activities, so cannot go Japanese, followed by the camp, so I need to skip 3 Japanese lessons, oh my god... Hope I can win the street soccer competition! Yikes, I better go do my homework now, Sayonara!

written on @ 2/28/2006 06:11:00 pm

Monday, February 27, 2006

It's the only word I can see now. Just passed was the Japanese test, and I think I failed miserably. Well, I left many blanks, and I did 50% of the questions only, and it is guaranteed that not all of the questions I did will be correct, so...


And now I'm being irritated by a JiaHan who is spamming me with nudges on msn...


And Jerome wants Beatrice's picture to see if she's chio, so I'm freaking out. This is called PEER PRESSURE. Ok, so I watched a video on Maplestory on some website and it was so cool! There was some guy whacking two Lycanthropes and a Werewolf and another was whacking Bains and Cerebeses in the Lava Cave. All these creatures can one-hit kill me! (Because I'm only level 26...) All of them were like 60+, 70+, even a 100+ assassin! Wow... *stares at them in awe*
The best of them all was a guy called Gilgamesh or something like that and he was kicking Balrog's butt because he was doing 5000 damage to the balrog while the balrog was doing like 1000 damage him. Lol. Anyway, why am I so happy suddenly? Let's be sad as I fail my Jap. :(:(:(:(:( Okay, I forgotten what's my homework today so now I'm going to check, and I'm so busy planning the LAN Competition for my class, so I'm under more stress!!! Just like the song "Under Pressure" by The Used. Wish me luck in my life...

written on @ 2/27/2006 08:55:00 pm

Friday, February 24, 2006
Today mornz had RP on "What I do in my own house is my own business". The proposition was Alvin while the Opposition was a nervous looking Jun Bin. Alvin started off confidently, with Clement encouraging him from the side. And Jun Bin started by staring at the audience. After we prompted him, he still continued staring. When Greg asked him if he had anything to say, he replied, smiling, "I agree with Alvin." -_-''' What the...
(Technique of Characterisation 5(is it 5? I forgotten) Contrast between characters to show personality. Haha...)

Everyone burst out laughing. While Greg was looking a bit like -.-""

(OMG I removed a whole chunk because I'm not supposed to write about it, this shows how forgetful I'm getting...)

Anyway, I got 87 1/2% for Mathematics... Noooo... 2 1/2 more marks to my target... luckily, I am the mode of the class and 7 other people score the same marks as me, and I am higher than the average by 10 marks, so =). Today, I remembered to take attendence and I am so glad as my memory is now getting worse each day. I cannot even remember the simplest things and so I have to resort to using my whiteboard to jot things to remember down. Oh gosh. Howadays, life for a student is so stressful, I need a stress reliever!
Anyway, nearly half of the class cannot go for LAN competition, so I might stand a chance to win the competition and get the prize, a Maplestory Cash Card. Honestly, I think my blog is the worse in the class as it is lame and boring... Lalala...

Chelsea lost to Barca!!! Jose Mourinho is a sore loser and says that Messi was play-acting to get del Horno sent off. Last year Terry's late header sent Chelsea into the next round and knocked out Barca, now, Terry's header will sent Barca into the next round!!! Eto'o rocks!!! Hope Chelsea lose to Barca at the Nose Camp or WaDeVa Camp it is.

written on @ 2/24/2006 08:09:00 pm

Thursday, February 23, 2006
There's not much today except that I got B3 for my science, which is a bad thing=(=(=(... I got zero for my last two question! OMG... Anyway, today I was settling the LAN competition thing and quite many people can go. Joseph too! Greg always says maybe, but it is always a no. So when he says yes, it's a no, when he says maybe, it's a no, when he says no, its a definite NO! Lessons was as usual, except that Miss Foo, our geography teacher, told us that we are a class that needs to improve. Mr Quek says that we are in a crisis and I need to get the class out of the crisis... Oh gosh...more work for me! Too bad I did not attend the CMC training session, I could have learnt something out of that. Everyone says Song Sim likes Miss Foo, and since Song Sim was not here today, everyone told Miss Foo that Song Sim will miss her... Yucks! Song Sim is the geography representative too, so it just adds to the rumours... Miss Foo is also his IRS mentor, which makes things worse. Lolx. Miss Foo says that our class do not care if a teacher steps into the class but instead we resume what we were doing. She said, for example, two people were talking when she steps into the class, they take one look at her and says, "Oh she's here." and resume their conversation, so she says that the conversation is more interesting than her. Lolx. Someone told her that only Song Sim will care if its her, while Jospeh will care if its Mdm Chan, our music teacher... Anyway, I just got spam nudge by Jerome in a MSN conversation. He used some software to disable nudge protection and nudged like hell. Oh gosh...


written on @ 2/23/2006 08:08:00 pm

Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Hi. First day as chairman and still managed to keep my promise, which was to do duty if they do not want to do. Yu Xuan saw that I was serious about that and said that he'll help me to get the reading materials every morning. Yay! Today was generally well, as I passed my InfoComm test, I think. Also, today's art lesson went quite well for me but for other people like Choong Hsiong, it was not so good as they forgot to bring their art homework and had to stand for 15 minutes in class. Talking about standing, today I stood in front of the terraces for like 1 hour because today is World Scouts' Day. My musle stiffened into two wooden blocks and when I tried to bend down after the assembly, it was bone-breaking! It felt like muscle cramps but after a while, it faded away. It was because we had to stand there like zombies in senang diri position all the while except during the flag-raising part where we sedia (stood at attention). Firstly, we had to assembly at the EP3 shed at 6.30am (so early, wahlao, tired like hell...), then assemble at the front of the terraces at 6.50am. Then, we stood there till 7.50am. Firstly, all the students assembled, then the guy in front sediaed and we all followed him. We sang the Singapore anthem, said the pledge(two, three, four, UP!...two, three, four, DOWN!), then I forgot who but it was some guy, because I had to look in front so did not see him, said the World Scouts' Day message. Then, another guy came up and said the past scouts acheivements, then followed by daily announcements before everyone returned to their class. Then, the sec 2s and 3s cheered like some mad guys as it was unmake-outable. Chong Jiat and I returned to 1L and resumed our reading period. I top the class in Literature! Yippee! I don't believe it, i thought that my English is very lousy thus my Literaturee will also be very lousy but... YAY! Three cheers for Mr Krison! By the way, he is also my group's IRS teacher and we are doing on terrorism! (Excuse to play Counter-strike=P) Now, as a chairman I have to settle the March Holz activities and hope that I wouldn't break any promises as Muk will overthrow me like he overthrown Kenneth. Boohoo...let's hope not...*Prays*

written on @ 2/22/2006 08:18:00 pm

Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Nama: Muk Muk
Index number: 13
EP3: Squash

My Comments: The self-proclaimed gay in our class. He's a real sicko in our class but nevertheless friendly. He rebelled against Kenneth's rule last time but nearly voted for him. Lol. He says that he never played squash before but nevertheless he got into squash. Weird. Recently, the Chinese teacher just said that he was one of her favourite students. Haha, he was laughing about that since that day. He also said he had 19 crushes with Greg as he last one. One is female while the rest are males. Haha. But LiKi, his best friend, says otherwise. He thinks Muk is pretending to be gay. He's an average student in our class.

Rating (out of 5)
TC (Talk crap): 5
Seriousness: 1
Sicko: 5
Responsibility: 3
Lameness: 4
Friendliness: 5
Smartness: 3
Guainess: 2

Overall: 3.5 Nice score but those who can't stand sick stuff don't go near him!=P

Nama: LiKi
Index number: 14
My Comments: The St. Hilda's top scorer last year for PSLE. Considered the more nerdy type in this class. He's hardworking and guai as he does his homework on time, participate in all DFs, and also do many ACE. Muk's best friend(I think). He has a crush on Mag since, err, p4 or 5, according to him. After getting rejected by her, he felt lovesick but never commit suicide as he knows that a better girl will come his way(just kidding!). He is now trying to forget about her and let's all hope that he can. He is considered by many as the smartest in this class even though Greg scored higher than him in PSLE. He now sports a fiasco hairstyle as he says that the abrber or someone cut his fringe too short. He is a NCC-crazed guy like Jia Han as his main reason for joining NCC is to "pass my NAPFA". He got silver in p5 and 6, so I think his target is to get a gold or something. I don't think that it is easy as the 2.4km standard is higher than the 1.6km standard in Primary schools. He cannot tolerate people insulting Mag as he is very protective of her(how sweet!).
Rating (out of 5)
TC (Talk crap): 1
Seriousness: 5
Sicko: 1
Responsibility: 3
Lameness: 3
Friendliness: 3
Smartness: 5
Guainess: 5
Overall: 3.25 Nice score but he should be less serious as we need some fun in our life. So he should TC more =P

Anyone who beg to differ (most probably LiKi and Muk Muk) please speak up. Freedom of speeech should be encouraged in this modern society with the emancipation of so many different people.

written on @ 2/21/2006 09:25:00 pm

I've decided to do an assessment on everyone in my class, just like Jia Han as I feel that it's so fun! Thank you, thank you!

I think I'll do one person every now and then, and here is my assessment rubrics (Not the same as Jia Han's)

Nama (Let's teach you all a malay word):
Index number:

My Comments:

Rating (out of 5)
TC (Talk crap):
Some more if I can think of any...


Yay! I rawk...

written on @ 2/21/2006 08:55:00 pm

Yes!!! I've been elected chairman. Yay! *jumps for joy and knock his head*Ouch. *rolling on the floor lauughing, hit the leg of the table* Ends up with a bloody nose and a bloody head. Sighs... Anyway, in my campaign speech I said I will organise LAN games during holz and also clean up the class. If the students do not want to do duty, they can just don't do and leave it to me. But they must follow their conscience. They must have self-control and self-discipline. So, I must behave in class from now on to set an example, which is so not my personality=(. Never mind, I also need to get unblacklisted from some teachers anyway.
This is a list of what I have to do:
- Arrange community work during holidays to let students get CIP hours
- If the students want the class to be dirty and don't do duty, I will have to do for them
- Make the rules minimal
- No tyranny
- During the holz, organise LAN games, football, basketball friendly matches among the class
- Make the MSN group a discussion forums so the students can comment about anything they want
That's about it. What's more, I managed to convinced LiKi and Muk, who wanted to vote for Kenneth, to vote for me through the presentation! Then, to show others that they can trust me to do what I said I would do, I started to clean the class after the election. Muk saw it and helped me out. Guess the class wants the classroom to be clean after all=)! After that, I had Malay test which I think I failed as it was harder than expected...

Before the election, there was geography test and I had no time to finish it. Also, I did not know what was relief feature, so I put trigonometrical station instead of the hill! Die... After recess, there was Mathematics test and it was smooth-sailing, and I managed to do the bonus question, which was to find the unit number of 20062007^2010, and got it right! Today was quite a bumpy ride again but nevertheless, I passed it. Yea!*winks*


written on @ 2/21/2006 05:08:00 pm

Monday, February 20, 2006
I need to change all the Jospehs in my posts to Joseph... The English teacher does not like it. Joseph said that it's a nice name but he just don't want people to call him Josephine. Like duh, which boy wants to be called a girl's name... I think I'm blacklisted already=(. Anyway, today I met Miss Gwee at the library when I was sweaty. She nearly told Bill and I off but we ran from the Poolside Restaurant to the library, so she understood and told us to go out and refresh ourselves. Yu Xuan's ball was once confiscated by her because we played it in the class, then Bill and I (again!) had to do three days of cleaning up all the dustbins in the staffroom to get it back. So sad... So, today during Chinese lesson we had a character description lesson. We had our comprehension returned back and I got 55 out of 60! The best is LiKi, who got 56. Yay! It left me jumping for joy (Well, not really jumping because we are not allowed to). Then, we started to dsescribe different people like Shao Wee and Muk. I was one of the guy being described and Joseph described me as "eyes filled with alertness and eyebrows bushy like a forest"! Oh my god, that was such a exaggerrated description! Everyone was laughing like hell. Lolx. Okay, today I'm very busy so I cannot write much. Thus, I will end my post here. By the way, tomorrow is the chairman election day, hope I can become the chairman! I prepared my speech already but I'm not sure if the class will vote for me. Tomorrow I will tell you the results, stay tuned...

YH, Chairman wannabe=P

written on @ 2/20/2006 08:32:00 pm

Sunday, February 19, 2006
Yesterday I went Chingay in Taman Jurong. I ate early and then went there with my cousins. They were addicted to Grand Theft Auto: Vice City so the first thing they did was to shout, "I want to play GTA!" Then, they started to decide who play first... when everyone else was eating. They are only like primary 3, primary 2 and the youngest is 6 years old. And they are addicted to GTA! Anyway, they think Counter-strike sucks as they think it's just carrying a gun and shoot here and there. What they don't know is that CS involves skill and tactics. Ok, about Chingay, most part were boring and also there's a bloody sick part where a fat ugly woman was pole-dancing on a big vehicle which I forgot what is it called but there was like 12 of that kind of vehicles. My favourite performance was the one where the team of bikers that represented Singapore in the SEA Games came to perform. Their tricks rocks! They could spin the bicycle, stand on the front wheel and do many other stuff. The finale was nice too-fireworks! The fireworks could spin too! I saw the Minister of Education, whose son is in my school. The minister was the VIP of the event and he started the 12 vehicles moving from Bukit Gombak all the way here. The Chingay lasted for around 2 hours from 8pm to 10pm. We were exhausted and I felt like sleeping...zzzzzzzz

Today I woke up to the most horrifying news ever. Man Utd lost to Liverpool!!!! The score was 1-0 and Liverpool managed 3 1-0s in a week. This shows that they are suckers and are plain lucky. Nooo... Man Utd's record of 85 years unbeaten against Liverpool in the FA Cup was shattered by just a goal by a Crouch who never scored for 2 months. So unlucky, the pro header Ferdinand was not there, so no one else could block that Crouch from scoring. Then, Alan Smith dislocated his knee and twisted his ankle after Riise shot a ball at him...
I feel like taking a Carbine and shoot Riise. Anyway, I have a piece of Chinese worksheet to do, so I will stop writing crap now.
OnE aNd OnLy,

written on @ 2/19/2006 11:04:00 am

Saturday, February 18, 2006
Today morning I attended scouts meeting. It was very fun except for the scouts day rehearsal part. We had to senang diri for like 1hour or so. Then when we sat down, all our legs were weak and in pain. You can call me weak if you want, I don't care. Anyway, I can prove to you I'm weak. I can do only 30 pushups, 10 commando, 10 diamond, and cannot do butterfly pushups. Happy? Anyway, the fun part is that I had first-aid practical and it was nerve-wracking! My partner, Nigel acted as a casualty, while I was the first-aider, so I was tested on abrasion. Nigel 'fell' over the drain and 'got' a serious abrasion. I said I clear all the people surrounding him(pretend there are), and then wash his wound with water from my water bottle. Then, I asked some invisible guy to call the teacher and I called the ambulance (I felt calling an ambulance was a bit exaggerrated after the test). Then the test ended for me. What I forgotten to do was to use a tweezer to take out embbed object in his wound as well as to check for dangers nearby (the drain, insects). I sure fail:( Then it was the first-aid theory. It was quite easy as the questions were so simple! I had a feeling that I will pass this test. Anyway, as I write, it is raining tigers and wolves (Well, bigger than cats and dogs=P) now, so later the Chingay which I will be going will be a disaster. Noooo... Some people call chingay cheen gay, the first word is hokkien for very, I think. So cheen gay means very gay. Lol.
Hope Manchester United can win today, because they rawk! I hope that Rio Ferdinand can do his header trick again, or maybe van der Sar can rush out and do a Hand of God or something like that. Then the Ronaldo guy will be showboating and dribble pass the Liverpool defence and the goalkeeper, place the ball on the line, lie down, then head the ball in. That will be so COOL! If not, Park Ji Sung can pull a Ronaldinho and curl a 40m free kick into the goal! Alex Fregie will give the Benitez a 'hairdryer treatment' and send him packing back to his homeland. Erm, whatever I said was crap so please, all Liverpool fans, don't get out your MP5 and kill me... ( Maybe you can take oout your MP3s and Mp4s and give it to me, I don't mind.)

written on @ 2/18/2006 04:15:00 pm

Friday, February 17, 2006
Haha. Today was so fun, I played soccer with my classmates. The even index numbers versus the odd. I am index number 15, so I play as the odd, and we thrashed the even team 4-0. Yay! We rawk. Shao Wee, who was the even number goalkeeper, says that he was the best goalkeeper in his class but after he came to HCI, he became afraid of the ball as the people here ram the ball so hard. But who cares? I like to be whacked by the ball=P But not deliberately, of course. Thus I like to defend because I can tackle well, tackle as in slide tackle. I hate divers, those people who fake injury, so that they can win a penalty or free kick.
Anyways, after PE I went to canteen to get a bag of ice for a guy from another class because he sort of sprain his ankle. How kind of me! (Crap.) Then, I was late for Math lesson and was punished by the teacher and had to stand out of my class for 40 minutes :( After school, I when to find my chinese teacher to sort things out as she said I did not hand up a worksheet while I remember handing it out to her, so the first worksheet I saw was my own! The problem is that I did not write my name so the teacher did not know that it was mine:( Lolx.
Anyway, Gregory says that Lindsay Lohan and Emma Watson are chio while we all says that the former is fat and the latter is fugly=P
Ok, I think I got to go because my sister is pestering me because she wants to play Maplestory and chat. Bye!

written on @ 2/17/2006 08:07:00 pm

Thursday, February 16, 2006
Today flunked my science. I don't know any of the answers to all the questions! I also flunked my English, I think. I rushed the concluding part so I crapped up. Anyway, nothing special happened in school today, and Joseph was unusually quiet. Tomorrow's PE and the good news is, we are gonna play football!!!!!!!!! Woohoo! I simply looove football. I support Machester United, because they rawks... Wait, that makes sense? Or not? Anyways, Bill supports Arsenal, Joseph supports Liverpool, Muk and LiKi supports Man U. Let's compare them. Man U beat Liverpool, Arsenal lost to Liverpool, Man U beat Chelsea, both Arsenal and Liverpool lost to Chelsea. SO who's the best? MAN UNITED!!!
When I attend Malay lessons, time seemed to past so fast, like today. But when I attend Japanese lessons, time seemed to pass like the two hours seemed to be 1 week... the next week is the test and yet I still cannot remember all the japanese pronunciation...Die...
That's all for today, because the day is largely uneventful. NO news is good news, so...

written on @ 2/16/2006 08:16:00 pm

Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Yay! Today was my best schoolday so far since the start of the year! Today's my birthday too, so I brought a packet of toffees to treat my friends. Lolx. Today morning I drank a RedBull™ before going to MacRitchie Reservior for the Amazing (cross-country)Race! I am not participating in the competitive cross-country race, so I watched my friends run 3.5km, while the rest of the levels ran 4.8. Anyway, the sec 4s run so fast! in 15 minutes, they ran 4.8 km, that's like 320m per 1 minute! While the fastest sec 1 ran 14 minutes for 3.5 km, which is like 250m per 1 min... Then, when it came to the mass run, I decided to do a blockade, so my class formed a line to block the people behind us. But as there wasn't any teamwork, we easily broke down, and everyone started to lag behind. Choong Hsiong, Jun Bin, Song Sim and I were jogging the flat parts, walking the upslope, and running the downslope. Logical, isn't it? But when we reached the pavement beside the road, we started to walk as if you run, you take in more carbon monoxide from the cars, and it is bad for your health. Then, many other 1L pupils caught up with us. With 800m left, Bill suddenly shouted, "For Arsenal!" and ran like mad. Upon seeing that, Jia Han chased after him, like a car tailgating another. So we shoud call Jia Han Tom and Bill Jerry as that makes sense...WaDeVa. We started to jog after we reached the end of the road part and then we duckwalked! It was so lame as the volunteers from NPCC and some other pupils saw us and thought we were mad. After 100m, we gave up doing that and sprinted all the way to the finish. Choong Hsiong overtake me as I when into berserk mode every time I needed to run at top speed. My eyes start to blink like mad and my arms start to swing wildly, then, my brain starts to tell me to keep pushing till the finish line. When all the sec1s reached the finish line, everyone was waiting fo the last two sec1s, who were both from my class, Muk and Joseph. Muk arrived like 10 minutes before Joseph and Joseph took a total of 50 something minutes to complete. When Muk arrived, we all got vigilant as we looked out for THE Joseph. Yes! There he is! He was running with the last few sec2s and 3s as my a many sec1s started to cheer for him! "Joseph! Joseph!" we shouted. Despite the cheering, he was still walking, then when he neared us, hh, as usual, gave an excuse,"Leg pain."


After the crosscountry, Yu Xuan, Bill, Wei Cher and I when to IRC cybercafe of Parklane Shopping Mall to play LAN. We played CS at first, but YuXuan got killed every round but never kill anyone at all. While Wei Cher, who never played CS before, was doing headshots and killing people. What the hell.
So in the end, Yu Xuan quit playing and played Maplestory instead (wasting money as he can play that at home.) Then Bill when to play DoTa on B.net while WC and I continued our game.
After LANning, or whatever you call that, (cybering, crapping, cafeing, playing, CSing, B.netting, etc) we when to Bishan MOELC for 3rd language, which was very uneventful. Well, that's all, bye for now.

written on @ 2/15/2006 08:15:00 pm

Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Hi people! Anyway, Happy Valentine's Day to everyone in my class, especially LiKi. Today we asked him to give something to Mag, but he said that she is pissed with him for telling everyone that she is his crush (or is it pissed with something else? WaDeVa). Anyway, nowadays, teenagers get pissed( not pissed ON) very easily, even I also don't know why. Hang on, I get an excerpt from my friend's blog:

1. I find myself very boring
2. Everyone calls me Chewier because of Li Ki
3. This blog used to be Cowish and I don't really like cows now.
4. Some people piss me off way too easily
5. I like to be a cruel tyrannical person when things don't go my way... at all.
6. I feel pains at my abdominal area when I think about death and afterlife
7. I am in NCC Part A Section 3 in 2006
8. I have a PSP, X-box, Dell Inspriron 700m Computer, and a Nokia 6101 Handphone... I think.
9. I am stressed real bad...

While I'm doing this post, my friend from another school, who is chatting with me says:

D3vil Courage is almost a contradiction in terms. It means a strong desire to live taking the form of a readiness to die. says:

See that? This is a form of PEEP which stands for Point, Evidence, Elaboration, and Personal Response. It's some thing that I need to use to answer question of literature... Anyway, as I said in my earlier post, which was my longest so far, that I got zero ACE, so I decided to elaborate on that.

Here is my reflection about that incident:
Firstly, ACE is important, as you know in my earlier post, it is part of my overall marks. Every mark is important as 1 mark can make a difference between pass and fail, as well as A1 and A2.
1. ACE is good.
2. Flaming is bad.
3. I think the teacher likes Joseph. (Just kidding)
4. Don't flame Joseph unless you like to see the teacher fan nian (Turn his face, which is to get angry.)
5. WaDeVa
6. Hmm, lemme think for a moment...
7. Still thinking...
8. Oh yeah! I want my ACE points!
9. I beg you, Mr Quek!
10. Nothing else.

So, if you want a sample of Mr Quek's wrath, go buy Age of Mythology and when you are playing the game, press enter and type 'WRATH OF THE GODS'. Then, you'll see it. Haha, I don't want to spoil the fun. Anyway, my class is a bunch of sickos, and they like to say sick stuff. My InfoComm teacher once said this, when Joseph was being irritating, pardon me," One more word from you and I'll tie a rubber band around your c***."
And then everyone starts to laugh. Then you'll see Joseph's mouth turn down, which is usually like that. Now Joseph is isolated in the front of the class, everyone's satisfied. That is, if you count Joseph out of the 'everyone'. Because, he is... Never mind, Mr Quek will kill me if I flame. Then my ACE will fly away like a BiRD. Lolx.
That's it for now, goodbye!


written on @ 2/14/2006 05:27:00 pm

Monday, February 13, 2006
Well, to start things off, the best is that there isn't any homework today!!! I found my art work holder, as well as my japanese textbook. Haha, that's good news. To top it off, my literature test and history mock test went quite well, at least I'm sure I will not get an F9. Tomorrow is baddd, first a geography test then a chinese test:( I feel like dying...(Not today, tomorrow). Anyway, I got zero marks for this blog so far as I insulted Joseph in the earlier post...boohoo, well that's what my teacher says, because I duplicated a petition against him on the post.
Today durin assembly, Joseph was the chairman, or u can say, Emcee, so before that, the teacher said in SMB(Student Message Board) that the chairmen should keep up the standard during the assembly, but after today's performance, I think the teacher should say that the chairmen should raise the standard. Anyway, tomorrow is LiKi's Valentine's Day, big day for him, as we stand at the sidelines as we see how he deliver his present to Mag. Anyway, you ever wondered what happened during Valentine's Day in Singapore during the WWII? Let's simulate this crap:
14 Feb 1942 - The British are losing the bloody war. Tomorrow's the surrendering date. So all the British soldiers sent their Valentine well-wishes to they gfs in Britian: Dear so-so, when you receive this email( Oops!) I will be dead as we are surrendering to the evil Japanese soldiers who will slice our Adam's apple off and frigging kill us. Anyway, may we meet in our next life, even if I become a pig and you become a dog, we will meet...
P.S. Come to heaven with me...lalala, and don't you dare find a new guy to replace me( selfishness)
14 Feb 1943 - The Japanese have taken over the the country. Their wifes and gfs waiting for them to return one day. In spite of that, they do sick stuff with...(*declines to elaborate*) So they sent messages to their wifes and gfs: The life here is good, and all I want to say is that on this day when you read this message, I will divorce/split up with you because the life here is so good. Just go find another friggin' guy to replace me as I don't give a hoot. I don't care if you die because I'm in paradise. Lalala.
The next thing he knew, he got killed by some angry anti-Japanese guy.
14 Feb 1944 - The Japanese got bored of the ... and started to get homesick So they sent more messages to their wifes and gfs: Sorry about what happened last year, I was too crazy and high at that time to think. Please give me as many chances as possible, as I want to get back with you.
Then the guy started to write some mushy crap and scared the hell out of his wife/gf as they thought that he should have died of AIDS.
14 Feb 1945 - The Japanese were losing the war and they were very homesick by then so they wrote back: Thanks for accepting my apology, we are losing the war and expects to return back by the end of this year and I hope you can wait for me.
Then he goes on to record a off-tune rendition of "My Heart Will Go On", the Titanic song and sent it. But in the end, most of the guys became POWs for the British and never live to see their homeland again.

Anyway, hope all these stuff I wrote are not considered flaming as I spent so long thinking and writing. I'm running for chairman too, so please suggest a topic for my campaign speech. Self-discipline? Class well-being? Class cleaniless? Don't get me wrong, I'm still opposed to blogs. Er, nothing else to write except that during Japanese lessons, please try to sit at the back of the class so you can doze off any time. Oh yeah, before I go, there is one more good news for you all. Except for Chelsea fans, you will be happy to know that Middlesborough, fifth from the bottom, fighting a relegation battle, won Chelsea, the cheapskate reigning leaders, 3 to 0!!!!!!!!!! That's the best football news I ever heard! Chelsea used money to buy their Premiership title, so whoever supports Chelsea please think twice and stop supporting them as they are promoting boring football by playing so defensively. Manchester United is the best! Well, I'm sure ya'll will not agree, but at least do not support Chelsea.

The most quotable quote of this week is, "If man can land on the moon, we can beat Chelsea"

BUT my all time favourite will be, "There are many things we know that we know, there are many things we know that we don't know; There are many things we don't know that we know, there are many things we don't know that we don't know; There are many known knowns, there are also many known unknowns; Similarly, there are many unknown knowns, and there are many unknown unknowns" Nice, a five-star quote.


written on @ 2/13/2006 08:27:00 pm

Saturday, February 11, 2006
HI. I just watched I Not Stupid Too. It's quite a nice film, and it is like the opposite of the 1st show. The 1st show was a funny show, and it is more of a comedy. But the second one is more of a tradegy as one of the main character's father dies after falling down from a staircase. It's quite sad. But my dad says that this show says that the parents or teachers are always wrong, while the kids should be treated more nicely... He says that the part where the student got an improvement of 2 marks from 10 to 12 and got complimented by the teacher is a bit to exaggerated as 12 marks is BAD! Well, WaDeVa. At least my marks are ok... But I don't agree that all the parents are like in the show. My parents are good to me, but I can't control my temper, so sometimes... They help me to explain my homework, and they praise me when I do good. Unlike the show, even when the main character do something good, he still gets scolded. Anyway, the theme song is nevertheless nice! It's quite emotional and close to heart. I only managed to download the sample version, so whoever has the full one please tell me where to get!!! Well, here are the lyrics:
曲/杨波 词/梁智强
我们肆无忌惮 我们成群结党
我们目无尊长 对什么事都不满
看着我们的成长 只会制造麻烦

我们don’t give a damn那看不起的眼光
我们什么都不是 我们什么都不管

别以为看不起我们 就告诉自己比人家强

又有谁会 替我们想想苹果为何变烂



Well, if you add the music, it will be nicer. I was out all day today, first go scouts, then go movie... wow! Next week is scout standard first aid theory test. Also, next week monday I will have Japanese and literature test, and Valentine's Day there's history, chinese and geography. Wednesday there is InfoComm. Thursday there's English and Chinese( I think.). Friday I dont think there's any test... Oh gosh, such a busy week ahead. Hope I can make it past. Wait, Wednesday is Total Defence Day, so We wouldn't have any test as we are going to MacRitchie Reservior for crosscountry race. So, InfoComm is next next week! YaY! Also, Wednesday is important to me as it is MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!! Lolx. I'm 13 from 15th Feb onwards. ON Tuesday, it will be good if LiKi gives Mag a present for Valentine's day, if not he will be sad if someone else gives her. As he always says," You will regret one day when your crush ask you out for her wedding". Lolx
Anyway, I guess I'm done here, and I'm also very sleepy after a long day. So, ciao!

written on @ 2/11/2006 07:08:00 pm

Friday, February 10, 2006
Hi, I'm back again! I think my English teacher said today I must "hand in" my blog, which means, he will mark it and give me my ACE. I don't think I can get high marks, but lucky I'm a RP Host, so I can salvage some ACE points from that. Anyway, my classmate who is sitting beside me, is running for chairman. I am too, so is the current chairman. Well that guy beside me is the ex-chairman, though he got sacked because the teacher knew that the class was displeased with him. Anyway, he now says that the current chairman is a slacker who is arrogant. Well, at least that's what he says. Others think the current chairman is good, because he lets the class do anything and he sets lenient rules. The ex-chairman was sacked as people like Muk, who is a self-proclaimed gay, thinks his rules were unreasonable, for example, no more than 3 people at the noticeboard. Well, I think that's crap. Why can't we stand at the noticeboard. Also, the other unreasonable rule is, no shouting during recess. Well, isn't recess for playing? If other classes can, why can't we?
Anyway, my class has many different kinds of people, from gay to lovesick. Haha, it's quite an experience. The lovesick guy is called Liki, he had a crush on he former school gal called, erm, I think it's Magneline Ang Ke Xin. There's a blog dedicated to that. It is http://hopeforliki.blogspot.com/. He told her through MsN MeSsEnGeR but she said OMGs like hell and after that she blocked him... sad right? So whoever's from NUS HIGH SCHOOL. Please tell Mag that Liki likes her a lot and wants her to accept him. LOLX.
Hmm, Mr Quek, if you ever read this, please give me high marks! =P
ThE oNe AnD oNlY,

written on @ 2/10/2006 04:49:00 pm

Thursday, February 09, 2006
Oh no, I just realized that I need to update my blog at least once a week, so here I am, doing a lame new post. Anyway, today I felt so tired, yesterday I slept late, so my eyelids felt as if it weigh a ton. There's a guy named Joseph in our class, he is a very childish guy, by the way, his nickname is Jospeh.

(This part has been removed due to the wrath of Mr Quek. I got zero ACE so far because of flaming. Boohoo.)

Ok, after reading this, you will be wondering what happens next. The chairman of our class, who wrote this, let the English teacher to see it. Being an English teacher, he conveniently marked it to correct the errors in the petition. (Well, it's either him or the literature teacher). After that, the chairman and I took it to the geography teacher who said she will show it to the form teacher. Haha. But if you think we are being plain evil to Joseph, you are wrong. If you experience the time with him, you agree with my class. Even worse, I'm stuck with him for every science practical lesson, so I will die...XD, please pity me by calling 1800-Iam-dead. Lolx.

written on @ 2/09/2006 09:10:00 pm

Thursday, February 02, 2006
Hi. I am back again. I know this blog is lame. It is because I'm opposed to blogs. Anyways, my school life is as usual, boring=P. My Chinese teacher just scolded me today because I talked a lot of crap. Haha. I hope I can become the chairman of the CMC(another acronym in my school) as I wish to render my services to the class. But the problem is, I don't think my teacher will want me to be as I am talkative in class. So sad...
Ok, my English teacher wanted my class to do a composition today. The problem is, I forgotten to bring my plan, so I have to remember. The guy beside me had mental block (for every assignment he always have mental block, I wonder how he got into iSpark...) Anyways, I did about counter-strike in my composition but did not manage to finish it, so I ended off abruptly... oh man, I think I will get like C for my composition. The theme was terrorism, haha. Oops, I'm not supposed to laugh, terrorism is serious. Every now and then you can see Osama's face on television. But he is nowhere to be found... if i played hide-and-seek with him, I never find him! Sometimes I wonder why those crazy terrorists wants to cause fear and terror in the world. It does not help them. Well, it might help them gain political advantage, but they are saying the USA attacked them first. Well, I don't know whether this is true but it is what I heard. Anyway, even before the Gulf War, the terrorists where doing harm already, so how can they say that? Even so, I don't think it is right for George Bush to start the Iraqi War, I am not criticizing him( I can't, I respect him as a president), but he should know the consequences, that many innocent people will die. Why should the Iraqi people shoulder the blame of the terrorists? Well, even Russia and France opposed to it( was it them or another country?).
Sorry, I think you people reading this might be bored now, but please leave your comments. Is my template nice? What about my music? Never mind, I just want to thank you for your attention. Please view terrorism seriously as it is no joke. I'm now repeating something that is commonly seen in MRT Stations in Singapore. "If you see any suspicious object, please get assistance from the staff of the station or call 999"=P

Yours truly,

written on @ 2/02/2006 08:18:00 pm

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